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 STRING   Type

  Declare one or more variables of type string.

  STRING var|arr(s[,s[,s]])[,var|arr(s[,s[,s]])]

  var  - The name of a variable to declare.  Must start with a letter
         [A-Z] which may be followed by letters, digits [0-9] or the
         underscore [_].  May be of any length but only the first 32
         characters are used.
  arr  - The name of an array variable to declare.  The same naming
         conventions as var are used.
  s    - The size (0-based) of an array variable dimension.  Any
         constant integer expression is allowed.

  STRING variables are stored as pointers arrays of characters from 0 to
  257 bytes in size.  If the array has 0 or 1 characters in it, it is a 0
  length string.  Arrays with 2 to 257 characters have a length of the
  array size minus one.  Valid string characters are ASCII 1 through ASCII
  255.  ASCII 0 is reserved for terminating the string and may not appear
  in the middle of the string.  A STRING assignment to an INTEGER will
  convert the string to the four byte binary integer value (similar to
  BASIC's VAL function and C's atol function).  An INTEGER to STRING
  assignment will result in a string with the representation of the
  number (similar to BASIC's STR$ function and C's ltoa function).  If a
  STRING is assigned to or from any other type, an appropriate conversion
  is performed automatically by PPL.

  STRING char, str, tmp, labels(10), names(20,3)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson